PUBG Mobile Guides Tii's Paige - May 30, 2020
In this article, PUBG Mobile World is going to explain about the aim assist feature in PUBG Mobile.

To win Chicker Dinners in PUBG Mobile, it’s of paramount importance that you must have a good aim. Because the game is based on mobile, it’s really difficult for beginners who has been used to using keyboard and mouse to become accustomed to taking aim.

PUBG Mobiel Aim Assist System

To lessen the burden, PUBG Mobile aim assist system has been introduced into the game.

What is the PUBG Mobile aim assist system?

Aim assist system is very prevalent in console-based shooters. It automatically helps players leave the crosshairs near the target and keep it from going away easily. PUBG Mobile aim asist system shares the same operation principle.

Is PUBG Mobile aim assist system helpful for beginners?

The answer is Yes. PUBG Mobile aim assist system can assist new players in the short run to aim at the neary enemies’ body more easily. Although you still need to do the majority of the work (the homing part is activated only when the target is close enough), the assitance can reduce the reaction time since you’re able to fire once the cursor begins to home in. Owing to the body shots’ algorithm preference, your chance of taking a headshot can be lessened a bit unless you master the system.

PUBG Mobile aim assist system can assist new players in the short run to aim at the neary enemies’ body more easily.

Nonetheless, in the long term, PUBG Mobile aim assist would not be useful to you. The reason is that it only works in close or medium quarter combats. In the longer-range ones, the homing cursor will become less responsive. When the enemy is moving too fast, the auto-aim cannot follow their movements, then you are forced to drag it manually.

In the long term, PUBG Mobile aim assist would not be useful to you.

All in all, we think that the overuse of PUBG Mobile aim assist system might cause some bad habits for PUBG players. However, it is emphasized that it does support aiming in the game.

To take good advantages of this feature, it’s recommended to try to predict enemies’ movements while using. For those who want to go pro, the combination of normal aiming and aim assist system is a wise choice.

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