PUBG Mobile Guides Tii's Paige - Jul 06, 2020
Which perspective in PUBG Mobile is better: FPP or TPP? Read this quick comparison by to find the answer!

There are 2 perspectives available in PUBG Mobile as game modes. Not similar to other FPS game genres, which come with first-person view only, PUBG Mobile allows players to enter third-person camera. Both of these two perspectives, First Person Perspective (FPP) and Third Person Perspective (TPP), feature separate matches and ranking systems.

So, which perspective is better: FPP or TPP? Indeed, different players love different styles of play. However, if you’re still confused about which to choose from, read this quick comparison.

Both of these two perspectives feature separate matches and ranking systems

FPP or TPP in PUBG Mobile: Overall experience

In truth, FPP gives players a more immense in-game experience when compared to TPP where you can see your character. In this perspective, you only see your gun and a crosshair, making your experience in the game closer to reality.

FPP gives players a more immense in-game experience when compared to TPP

FPP or TPP in PUBG Mobile: Difficulty

FPP is no doubt more difficult than TPP. FPP forces you to peek for the enemies’ position rather than hide behind the walls or vehicles to rotate the camera.

In FPP, aiming at the foe is more time-consuming since an extra step is added. Moreover, players also need to attend to sound and other indicators more in this perspective. Your reaction times must be faster likewise.

FPP or TPP in PUBG Mobile: Hiding & camping

TPP has more campers and players hiding in long grasses to knock the enemies down. As normal, these players prone in the ground and are concealed by foliage. What a cheap strategy to make kills in the game!

TPP has more campers and players hiding in long grasses to knock the enemies down

In FPP mode, however, you cannot use that strategy as you cannot see the others. It’s expected that more active and engaging gameplay will come to FPP.

FPP or TPP in PUBG Mobile: Skins & others

FPP grants you a closer look at your weapons, giving you a good chance to inspect the gun skins and other utilities.

In contrast, TPP allows you to see your in-game characters, i.e. your character outfits.

TPP allows you to see your in-game characters, i.e. your character outfits

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